
Blackmail 1

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NaviLalli's avatar

Literature Text

                                                     HIS STORY

Niky quickly pulled her hood over her head as the rain poured down on her. Reaching the twin doors to the school, the rain slowed to a stop. She whipped around, “Why do you hate me so much!?” she screamed into the sky. Turning back around, she stomped into the school.
Her shoes squawked on the hard floors and the people stared her down like she had just murdered someone. Little did they know that the thought of murder was actually running through her head. She pulled down her hood, her white feline ears sticking upright. Sliding her way through the crowded hallways, she made it to her locker.
“NIKY!!” a girl with dyed red hair that stood on end, tackled Niky. She had large black ears that stuck out the side of her head and custom cut holes in the back of her shirt where large batwings emerged from.
“Ugh Nancy get off, I’m almost late.” Niky mumbled.
“You are not, calm down.”
“Well you don’t have a lock to unlock.” She stated, gripping her lock and twisting it to the numbers she remembered, 21-5-6.
Yanking off her soaked hoody, she shoved it in the locker. As her book bag rested at her side, she unzipped it and yanked out her notepad, planner and history binder. “Ready for Hell?” she grinned a fake grin, shoving her bag in her locker and locking it.
Before the two could walk to their class that was seriously only two feet from them, they were tackled by a black-haired girl with white wolf ears protruding from her head. Her hair was short and spiked out in the back, and when she spoke you could see the tongue piercing she had just recently got done.
“Hey ‘Quel!” Nancy chuckled.
“Ugh. Not you too!” Niky rolled her eyes, “Is it even possible to get to class in this school?”
“No not really,” Nancy chuckled again, sticking out her tongue.
Getting a chill down her back, Niky whipped around, only to spot her ex boyfriend turning his head away from looking at her. She snorted, “Well, I’m going to class.” She stated, pushing herself away from the group into class where she went and took a seat behind blonde haired Alexis.
Soon, Nancy entered the room and waved to ‘Quel who went to the class next door. “Niky you’re so mean.” She frowned and took the seat behind her.
“I know.” She grinned evilly.
Not too long after, Nancy handed her a pink notepad which held their most secret of secrets. After reading over the page whilst the teacher, Mr. Johnson, blabbed away, she had to bite her tongue trying not to laugh. Before scribbling back in her notepad, she had to do the “first five” on the board, also known as bell-work.
“How did the Paleolithic age differ from the Neolithic age? Were there any similarities?” Niky mumbled under her breath while reading it from the board.
The minute she finished scratching down her answer on the sheet of paper, she closed her binder and opened up the notebook. This was the daily routine for Niky, school work just barely made it higher then her social life with Nancy.
“Psst, Niky!” Alexis, the blonde haired girl with snow white bunny ears, whispered softly turning around to face Niky. “Want some bon-bons?”
“Mm, why j’yes I do. Thank you” Niky licked her lips and grabbed the two bon-bons she was given.
“Give the other to Nancy.”
Popping one in her mouth, she reached behind her and handed one to Nancy and a soft ‘thanks’ was given. Mm bon-bons. One of the most delicious things you could eat. How do you even describe one? It kind of reminds me of a mini balled up donut only banana flavored and chewy when you bite down. Every morning Alexis would buy a bag from the Spanish teacher since they were in her room.
As the teacher yakked away about the lesson, Niky and Nancy passed the notebook back and forth, doodling and writing away in it. Niky was surprised her teacher never caught her and took it away, it’s a good thing he never did. There were some things in there that no one should ever read.
At times, Niky would break off and write down what she was supposed to write, or read when told to but any other times she was writing in the notebook. Soon the lectures were over and Mr. Johnson decided to go on and on about some other random story. Finally, finally the bell rang and class was over.
Short story I'm writing about my school life, everyone has animal ears and animal tails :3 But yeah no, this is pretty much exactly how life is for me =o This is my history class, theres like 6 other chapters. *shrugs* But they're pretty short :] Enjoy
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